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- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:24:18 -0000
- From: Stephen Thornber <SThornber@STEVE1.DEMON.CO.UK>
- Subject: [IML] Quest: errm....help?
- Hi IML'ers
- I've a couple of questions for you all:
- 1:- How do I create/or where do I get a decent spaceship type
- texture. you know, sort of B5 looking dirty panels.
- (Don't say use Dethstar.itx, because it looks cruddy, even with
- dirt added. - BTW I think dirt is the best texture, I use it
- on everything.)
- 2:- How do I create a decent looking laser..??
- (I've tried the 2 tubes trick, but it doesn't look good at all)
- 3:- I am after a util/whatever to add lasers/explosions/special effects
- to my stills/anims. is there such a util...??????
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:26:50 +0100
- From: BC <bcspix@HEM1.PASSAGEN.SE>
- << on quest #1 >>
- Essence's Hullplate texture is great for that.
- > sorry, for the wasted bandwidth, but I need help.
- >
- > steve [Imagine 4E4]
- I thought that it was because these kinds of mails this mailinglists
- subject was created, to have people help each other.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:59:41 -0800
- From: Drift Dennis <drift@NIGHTHAWK.COM>
- There are 2 programs I can think of that I think Will do what you
- want. The one I use is WinImages by Black Belt Systems, I don't have their
- URL handy, but it isn't hard to find. This program is an 'image processor'
- of sorts, does image sequences, anims in anims, things like that, for fire,
- glows, lightning, and more, it do great.
- The other that I can think off, I have it, looked at it, but haven't
- really played with nor used it, is a shareware program called ENERGY,
- again, I don't have a clue even where I got it, but if you would like I can
- look for it.
- But I do know that it won't touch WinImages, which also has a morph
- program built in, and for the Amiga folks, Yes this did start out as an
- Amiga program called Imagemaster RT, which is also a very powerful image
- processor for the amiga.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 07:58:27 +1030
- Deathstar is the best for panels, I use it on all my ships, it just take
- a while to learn how to use properly.
- I used it on all my Star trek models at Alternately you could add about
- three copies of the rectchex texture without the align option checked.
- Remember to keep it subtle, if you look at modern figther craft there
- covered in panels but from 6 feet away you can't see them. Dethstars
- defaults are way to big. Decrease bevel size, and remove bevel dirt and
- you get something more useful.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 08:09:47 +1030
- There was a component of a lightning tutorial I was reading that made
- nice tube like objects with a glow around them, they make pretty good
- lasers. the link is on the Imagine tutorial list. there was also stuff
- on pyrotechnics there.
- http://www.erinet.com/fnadoc/imagine/imagine.htm
- I think the zip file was billtute.zip or something like that.
- I also saw a nice tut on doing Photon torp like effects
- at:
- no idea sorry, I'll mail it if you need it.
- You can also try dare to imagine at
- http://www.ncinter.net/%7Eiansmith/d2i/INDEX.html
- which has bucket loads of lasers space ship hulls explosions and stuff.
- Well
- gotta go chop down a tree
- have fun all
- ----------------------------------